
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

He's Got Me

He's got the whole world in His hands, He's got the whole world in His hands....
As I write this, I can hear children singing that song and I can't help but smile. How comforting it is to know, "in his hand Is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind." Job 12:10

Everyone was headed out to the car. It had been a long day of unpacking, organizing, placing furniture and hanging pictures. God blessed us with a place to live in this new city and we were trying to turn it into a home. I still however had not uncovered the boxes with dishes, cooking utensils, pans. We were all terribly hungry. So we headed out to find sustenance in our new town.

Todd, the boys and baby girl all headed out to the car. I locked the door to our new abode and brought up the rear. Coming down the front steps, watching my new family gathered beside the car, I lost sight of the last step. I stumbled. My big toe catching all my weight, crumpled beneath me.

As I sat on the stairs, trying to think beyond the throb in my toe, I wondered how I managed to slip. I only took my eyes off the steps for one short moment. Unfortunately, that was all it took.

Our spiritual life often mirrors the physical. At least I know mine does. Sometimes we stumble. It's usually when we choose to go it alone and don't use the mighty arm of God to lean on. When we take or eyes off of the One and focus on a myriad of things around us, sometimes we fall.

My toe was sprained. It was sore and swollen over the next few days. Todd was right by my side. He could see when I was hurting and whispered to me, "Hang on baby, I've got you." His strong arms held me and helped steady me.

Beyond his gentle voice in my ear, I could hear the Holy Spirit whisper to my heart, "Hang on Sheilia, I've got you."

This move to a new city has been a test of faith...and it's not over. But thank God for His faithfulness! Through all that we face, God is always there for us to lean on and depend on. When we doubt or fear, His word speaks to us, "do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I Will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

That, my friend, is all the reassurance I need. I can go on in faith because He's got me!