
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thank God...I Have A Story

Since I have begun to share here on my blog, I have had several people ask me...why? Why start a blog, why are you writing, why put your business out there for everyone in the world to read? My answer is simple...God gave me a story, a testimony, and through His word he beseeches me to tell it.

Psalm 107:2, 42 "Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story— those he redeemed from the hand of the foe,...The upright see and rejoice, but all the wicked shut their mouths." (NIV)

God has been good to me! I know it may sound passe, but when I look back over my life and see where God has brought me from, I want to shout his praises from the roof tops. I feel compelled to tell everyone I meet the wonderful things I have learned during my life.

As a young single mother I learned first hand that God will feed the hungry. I remember the holiday food box that was sent home with my boys from their school, even though I never signed up for the give away. I remember the sweet nun who packed me 2 bags of groceries to take home when I came to the food pantry to donate infant cereal and formula I could no longer use. Although I did not ask, God saw my need and filled it.

I know first hand that God is a healer. After giving birth to my middle son, I was told I would have to leave the hospital without him. He was born with neonatal meningitis and spent 21 days in the hospital. I went to the hospital each day to hold, feed and pray over my baby boy. The doctors and nurses gave me tons of information and tried to prepare me for the possible physical and neurological effects the illness could have. They talked of possible hearing and vision loss, speech problems, learning disabilities, paralysis, epilepsy and seizures. But my son left the hospital fat, fine and healthy. Ean grew to be a strapping young man, extremely intelligent and never suffered from even the common cold as a child. God is AWESOME!

And talk about faithful! I know full well that God is faithful and He answers every prayer. God is there for the BIG and small things in life. The Father is always just a prayer and trusting heart away. Psalm 17:6, "I call on you my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer."  I have seen in my life that even the most trivial issue can be taken to God, "Lord, please don't let me miss this bus, help me find a place to park, help me find my keys!" But He is also faithful to take care of the big issues of your heart, "Lord, help me find a job, give us a safe place to live, heal my mother, please let my baby be ok."

In the 42 years I have been blessed to live thus far, I have seen so many miracles take place. Large and small miracles in my life and the lives of others. No, I have not seen the Ohio River parted  to allow me to cross over, but I KNOW my God is able to do that and much more. I am so grateful to God for keeping me. I tell my story as a way to say "thank you" to God for His grace, his mercy, his peace and his joy. Thank you for protection, provision, strength. Thank you for knowledge and understanding. Thank you for love. Thank you God, for my story. 

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