
Friday, February 22, 2013

Dance Like David Did

Hey gang, I'll need you all to respond to me on this one.

I was speaking with a beloved cousin recently. She was telling me about a blessing which she received. She shared the story with me she said, because she knew I would "get it". 

There was an issue she had been dealing with and had been in prayer over for a period of a couple years. Now that may seem like a long time to some of us, to be going through, but we must remember, God exists outside of time. My cousin is a soldier and she knows that God is faithful, so she never lost heart. She is familiar with Isaiah 40:31, "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles..."

Well, in His time, God answered my cousins prayers and resolved her issue, better than she could have ever imagined! She received a call with the good news while at work in her office one day. She told me she had to place her call on hold, close her office door and do a praise dance, right then and there!!! 

I had to smile and praise God with her as she shared her story, remembering the many times I have had to give it all up to God, right where I was.

Unlike my cousin, I work in a cubicle - no full walls and no door. Over the years, most of my co-workers have become accustomed to my occasional outbursts of praise and worship. Sometimes the goodness of the Lord is overwhelming and you just have to let it out. Or at least I do.

Now I know some of you may be thinking, "tsk, tsk, how unprofessional." And you are correct, but in my world professionalism takes a backseat to praise!

I have always been intrigued by the picture painted in 2 Samuel 6. The israelites, led by David, were returning to the City of David with The Ark of God. (v.2, 12)  David's excitement is described in 2 Samuel 6:14, "Then David danced before the Lord with all his might and David was wearing a linen ephod."  An ephod was a priestly garment. Being made of linen it would have been thin and generally worn along with other garments, but this was all David wore as he jumped and twirled before God (and everyone else). Thus leading to the common saying that David "danced right out of his clothes." Now that is praising God!

But just as some people would frown on my public display of worship, Michal frowned upon her husband David as well. "Now as the ark of the Lord came into the City of David, Michal, Saul's daughter, looked through a window and saw King David leaping and whirling before the Lord; and she despised him in her heart." (2 Samuel 6:16)

The best part of this passage though is David's response, "...It was before the Lord who chose me instead of your father and all his house...Therefore, I will play music before the Lord. And I will be even more undignified than this..." (2 Samuel 6:21 & 22)

My sentiments exactly!!!

So my friends, tell me, have you ever indulged in PDW - public displays of worship. Have you ever had to close your office door, pull over your car, place a call on hold, rush to the restroom, empty conference room or office supply closet, and give God a "right now praise"? Or maybe you just do what I do and get your dance on right at your desk for all to see? If so, good for you! Take a moment to comment on this post and let me know of a time you danced like David did.

And for those of you who have been stifling your urge to praise publicly, consider this... What if you are the only Jesus they have a chance to see?


Monday, February 11, 2013

Obedience...A Show of Faith

God woke me up before waking the sun last Sunday. I had a horrible dream, which was out of the norm. I usually don't dream. When I do, it's almost always the Holy Spirit moving on me. That or the devil haunting me. I know that may sound strange to some of you, but I have found that the closer I draw to God and He to me, the more interest the devil has in me as well. I take it to mean he (the devil) sees me as a threat. I'm cool with that.

Anyway, I awoke from my dream and asked God "what the hell was that?" I'm not always at my best when awakened unpleasantly, I pray my Father forgives me. After a quick trip to the restroom, I settled to my knees at the side of the bed. I prayed for clarity, some sort of explanation for the disturbing dream and then I sat and waited. After a few moments of quietly going over the dream in my mind I was in tears. Then the Holy Spirit whispered to me "I know the plans I have for you."

I understood immediately. It was the Sunday after my birthday and I had signed up to do the scripture reading at morning service. It was first Sunday and I had chosen a scripture from a devotional I read earlier in the week. I figured it would tie in well with a communion message. Now the Holy Spirit was urging me to scrap that plan and follow Gods plan. Humph!

I wish I could say that I responded with immediate compliance, but that was not the case. The more the Holy Spirit revealed to me what God had planned, the more my urge to resist grew. Not only did God have a different scripture in mind, He wanted me to speak to the congregation. There was a message in the dream I'd had. Something that touched deep inside me to the heart of who I am as a woman, as a mother. God was showing me that it was from my mothers heart that I was to speak to the sisters, mothers and daughters of New J that morning. I had only one problem...public speaking is not my thing. I imagined what Moses must have felt when God told him to go before Pharaoh. I did not feel up to the task.

I crawled into bed and tried to go back to sleep. I shut my eyes but couldn't close out the memory of the dream I'd had. I wanted to hide under the covers and sleep away the assignment I'd been given. The Holy Spirit was having none of that. It's impossible to run from God when he lives in you.

So I climbed out of bed, grabbed my notebook and wrote down what God had for me to say.

All morning I wavered back and forth. I prayed for God to give me the courage to do what He intended. Then the Holy Spirit whispered to me, "have faith."

Soon the time came and I took the podium. I breathed deep and hoped that my New J family was prepared to receive what I had come to say. I hoped they would believe not only in me, but my father who sent me. I gave them what I came to give, just as it was given to me. Then I took my seat, feeling full and knowing that my Father was smiling down at me.

Not only was my obedience rewarded with the warmth of the Spirit in my heart. God gave me confirmation that it was His plan all along. I was sure of it when a later announcement as well as Pastor's sermon tied in perfectly with the scripture I read and the message I was given to deliver. I smiled and thought, "Ok God, now you're just showing off."