
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy Birthday...Every Day!

Hi all. Today a dear friend and co-worker of mine is celebrating her birthday. There have been many questions about her age and jokes about aging in general. It brings to mind something I've thought about often over the years:

Why is it that so many people have a problem with birthdays and aging???

Many people gripe about getting older, avoid celebrating their birthdays and even lie about their age. For some reason, women are especially guilty. I, on the contrary, have always looked forward to my birthday and claim my age proudly. But for those who are pained at the thought of another birthday rolling around, here is food for thought; 3 reasons why we should look forward to each birthday we see...

 1. Birthdays (as a matter of fact, all days) are a gift from God! "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23 Therefore, we should greet each new year with excitement and joy, while looking forward to what our God has in store.

2. Birthdays are a chance to be reborn! Each year added to our lives is proof that God has not given up on us. Contrary to popular belief, not one of us is here on this earth by accident. GOD HAS A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE - even if you are not currently living out that plan. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord... plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 We do not always obey the Father or make Him proud with the things we do. However, with each birthday God allows us to see, we get another chance to seek Him, study His Word, live right, love others, be reborn in His image.

3. Birthdays are not just about aging! People are like wine; for the most part, we get better with age. This should be especially true for those of us who profess to know Christ. We are not just getting older, we are getting better, sweeter, kinder, more knowledgeable, more graceful, more forgiving, more beautiful (deep down on the inside, where it counts). We are simply becoming more like Christ.

How wonderful is that!?

Happy Birthday again Mother Rhonda. Thank you for being a Christ like example in my life!  

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