
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Finding My Way Back to Love...

We had the kind of relationship that was on again, off again. It started when I was a teenager and has continued this way for years.

There's no doubt in my mind that we love one another. There's no questioning the fact that life is better when we are together, working as one. Together we are unstoppable, a force to be reckoned with. Together we have scaled mountains, torn down walls, won battles. Yes this love is truly a good thing.

But still the cycle continues, on, off, on, off.

When we're on, everything in life is FANTASTIC! The days seem to flow with their own smooth rhythm, work is easy, play time is fun.

Funny thing is, when we're on, all my other relationships are right as well. I get along better with my kids, family, my friends, co-workers, and when there is a rift somewhere, it is easily straightened out.

Love makes life easier all the way around.

And you know I must admit, when we are off, it's through no fault of His. It's always me.

I'm the one who pulls away, too busy to spend quality time. I'm the one who puts my desires ahead of our joint purpose. It's me who grows impatient and wanders off on my own, searching for a short cut, when there truly is only ONE WAY. I'm the one who wants what I want when I want it, gets angry when I don't get my way and holds grudges.

I'm the one who looses sight of what IS, while focusing on what I WANT to be.

Luckily for me, Love is patient and kind. Love does not envy and is not proud. Love is not self-seeking, nor easily angered. Most of all, Love keeps no record of my wrongs. Where other lovers would doubt my commitment to this relationship, Love rejoices in the truth He knows in my heart. Another lover may fight with me, but Love protects me from harm, even the harm I would do to myself. Where other's may seek to put me away, thinking I have found another, Love trusts in the power of what we have, hopes for my renewed commitment and perseveres in the pursuit of my soul. Though I may stumble and fall, get side tracked and distracted, loose the keys to the car, forget the directions or simply run out of gas during this journey...I am blessed to know that LOVE NEVER FAILS. (1 Corinthians:4-8)

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