
Thursday, January 10, 2013


Hi all! I know I have been missing in action through out the holiday season, but I am back. There was soooo much going on in the last month of 2012 that I could not find time to get it all down. I am a firm believer that nothing beats writing about life except LIVING it. So I will sometimes put the former on hold for the later. But don't worry, I have stored up all the smiles, laughter, tears (happy ones) and news to share with you all!

So, it's a New Year and I am just grateful that God has allowed us all to move forward. I love saying Happy New Year, because it reminds me of that wonderful tingle you get when you receive or purchase something new. There is always an element of excitement when wearing a new outfit, carrying a new purse, driving a new car. Nothing beats the thrill of a new relationship, the optimisism of a new job or the sweetness of a new baby. Well, I want to pose to you that we should be as excited about each new day as we are about all the above mentioned events in our lives.

I pray that we all remember the reason for the season during the holidays (pronouncing it Holy-days helps me). But let's face the truth, we all like getting those gifts on Christmas morning! Well I'm here to tell you that God gives us a gift each and every day we wake. Rising with the sun each day is a blessing in itself, but add to that the gift of being able to see the sun, being able to hear the alarm clock, being able to stretch arms and legs, having feet to place on the cold floor and the ability to STAND! Whoohoo!!! It's like Christmas all over again!

Now I will admit I am not the brightest ray of sun when the alarm clock goes off in the morning. I wish I was one of those women who are up before dawn, spending time with God and His word, preparing breakfast for my family and singing  songs of zion as I usher each family member out to their day. NOT! But I do manage to roll over after the alarm sounds and whisper a heartfelt thank you to the Father each day. Once I get going (usually after brushing my teeth) I may hum or sing through the rest of my morning preparations. And once I get a steaming cup of coffee in my hand...Watch out now! I'm a true soldier on the Lords battlefield then, with the Lords praises continually in my mouth.

I say all this friends to say, this New Year is a gift. Do something NEW with it. Step out on faith and do something you've always wanted to do. I am. I have decided that 2013 is my year to take my writing to the next level. I will promote my blog. I will attend a christian writing seminar. I will pray that God continues to bless my heart with His word and my mind with understanding, that I may share it with you all. I pray that you will all walk along side me in developing this ministry. Your prayers and comments are truly appreciated. Let me know how I'm doing!!! Please feel free to share what God lays on your heart when you read my articles. Also, let me know if I can stand in the gap for you as you decide what NEW thing you are going to do this year. Trust Gods promise that we "can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." (Phil. 4:13, KJV) Don't let fear or doubt hold you back from being great for God! Take the daily gift of life that God so freely gives and do something FABULOUS with it, "...that God in all things may be glorified..." (1 Peter 4:11, KJV).


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