
Monday, January 28, 2013

We Say / God Say's

We Say...

I miss you my love.
I have been away for quite some time now,
Living life on the edge,
Going my own way,
Making a mess of things really.

I know you must be tired
Of the way I come and go,
Taking your love for granted,
Treating our relationship as if
It's as seasonal as the Holy days.

Even when I am here,
I am not always focused on you,
Putting other things ahead
Of the time we spend together.
I have a problem with priorities.

But you know my heart
And though I may not always show it,
You are important to me,
I know I need you in my life
And I love you more... than most things.

It's cold and lonely out here
In this world I have created for myself.
My friendships are faulty,
Love relationships shallow,
Happiness is fleeting at best.

So I make my way back to you,
Discouraged and dejected
Feeling a failure, for all my efforts are folly
Head down, heart broken,
Will you have me?

God Says...

My love, I have missed you,
Though I have been nearby all along.
Remember my promise
Never to leave, nor forsake you
Though you often turn your heart from me.

Yes, I grow weary
Of your propensity to wander
However, there's nowhere you roam
That I cannot see you
You are my sheep and I your shepherd

But my child be careful
Not to provoke my wrath, for I am jealous
Before me you shall have no other
Your heart, soul and mind
Belong to me

It is my will to spend each day
With you in the Garden.
I wait for you under shade trees
With flowers and sunshine
With which to adorn your hair.

You were not meant
To traverse the darkness of this world alone.
Death nor Life, Angels nor Principalities,
Height nor Depth, nor any creature
Shall separate you from my love.

Come home child.
Hide here in the shelter of my wings.
In the secret of my tabernacle, come rest.
I shall set you upon a high rock.
No condemnation child, but everlasting life!

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